Dr. Don Fanning
About Dr. Don Fanning
Don Fanning has over 30 years of experience in Latin America serving as a jungle pilot evangelist and church planter in Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, and US. He planted seven churches in four countries before returning to the US to teach missions at Liberty University for 17 years. Now Don is serving part-time in Latin America training leaders for house-church movements and is pro bono part of the administration and faculty of the Online Spanish Master’s program at Brewton-Parker College and Seminary in Mt. Vernon, Georgia. He lives in Pensacola, FLA, teaching, preaching, writing books, making videos, and other training tools, especially Spanish.
Don has written many books in both Spanish and English that are for the equipping of the body of Jesus Christ. His desire is to see disciples made from every tribe, nation, and tongue.

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Do you have a heart for the unreached people groups?
Did you know that 4 out of every 10 people on earth live in an unreached people group? There are 7,200 groups unreached today, why? They have limited contact to missionaries, churches and finances. 81% of all non-believers do not personally know a Christ-follower. Only about 1 in 10 missionaries work among the unreached.
This has to change. The Lamb is worthy of all worship from every tribe, tongue, nation and people! This begins with prayer. Would you partner with us today in praying for an unreached people group?
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Our Recent Blog
Error or Heresy?
We love to criticize anyone who disagrees with our opinions and to call them “heretics” for their different view. For the sake of clarification and distinctions made in the NT, this blog will describe four categories of different viewpoints. These categories are (1) Unintended Error; (2) Wrong Teachings; (3) False Teachings; (4) Intentional Heresy. First, an Unintentional Error in interpretation results from a misunderstanding in grammar, missing the observation in the language meaning or how...
Trust your coach
I coach golf. One of the first things I tell a student is that I will tell them to do things that may feel uncomfortable, awkward or seem ineffective. They must make a decision to trust what I tell them or never improve. If they only partially, or not at all, believe that I know what I am talking about, then inevitably they will not pay attention to what I tell them. However, after I demonstrate how to do it and they want to be able to do it as well, then they gain more confidence....
My Friend (?)
My friend, I stand in judgment now, And feel that you’re to blame somehow. On earth I walked with you day by day And never did you point the way. You knew the Lord in truth and glory But never did you tell the story. My knowledge then was very dim You could have led me safe to Him. You taught me many things, that’s true; I called you “friend,” and trusted you. But I learn now that it’s too late And you could have kept me from this fate. We walked by day, and talked by night, And yet you showed...