Dec 14 Entrust knowledge to the faithful

22 Tim 2:2, “And entrust*~ what you heard me say in the presence of many others as witnesses to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well.”

Jesus said, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples” (Jn 15:8). Reproducing ourselves in other’s lives perpetuates the spread of the knowledge of God and His word around the globe.

“Fruit” is the result of the life of God flowing in the inner man made alive by the knowledge of God’s word, and the catalyst for the reproducing life is the teaching of the word of God.

Timothy listened to Paul’s small–group teachings and discussions over twenty years. In turn, Timothy and others were expected to take Paul’s teachings and teach them to others. The glory of a teacher is not that he is inventing new ideas or revelations but that he can teach the same message that Jesus and the apostles taught. With great care, the teacher seeks to learn the word of God as it was written with the same purpose and message that can then be applied to contemporary life.

As Paul trusted Timothy to learn well, he commands Timothy to “entrust what you heard me say” (“to put or place near someone, or lay before,” or to deposit something valuable for safekeeping). Timothy was to be careful to entrust the treasure of what he had been taught to “faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well” (“trustworthy, reliable or believable”).

The Great Commission of making disciples is fulfilled by “teaching them to observe [or obey] all things that [Jesus has] commanded you” (Matt 28:20). Teaching is not just about telling the truth; it must include the practical aspect of obedience. We must teach new believers to be mutually accountable to know and to obey the commands in Scripture.

Once we learn to obey these commands, we are to pass them on to others. May this daily devotional Bible study help you fulfill this commission.

“You have given me such a privilege to know Your word. Keep me faithful to it and to the commission to pass it on to my family and friends who want to know it.”


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