1 Cor 15:58, “So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm~~. Do not be moved! (adjective) Always be outstanding (participle) in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
When we see our lives in history as the proving ground for our unending life with Christ, then we have developed a transforming worldview. Paul’s conclusion after establishing the great truth of the resurrection and our life with Christ is that we are commanded to be steadfast by being immovable, increasingly active in serving others and knowing no effort for Him is wasted. The present imperative—-to be “continually being firm”—-refers to someone who is “settled or resolved” about the reality of the resurrection and eternal rewards from Christ as the greatest value.
“Immoveable” means “not [able to be] moved from side to side.” The “unstable” person in James 1 doubted God’s purpose in suffering and thus became as one standing in the waves of the ocean. What we believe either stabilizes us or makes us unstable.
“Abounding” means to “exceed the number expected or required.” This is the word used in Ephesians 1:7–-8 to describe the “riches of His grace.” God outdoes Himself, and we are undeserving of any of His favors. We should determine to outdo ourselves in service to our King, ignoring the often–repeated advice to “take it easy.” One of the models of this perspective was Epaphroditus, who “came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life” (Phil 2:25, 30).
The great personal motivation for the believer is to be “knowing” the value of the rewards that Christ has planned for His servants. The word knowing means “to turn your attention to this theme, to focus on it, and to keep it in your thoughts and values that are important to you.” Though we may not know the particulars, we can trust Him that our “labor [for the kingdom] is not in vain.” Jesus said, “I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Rev 22:12). This is not about how good we are or how many times we went to church, but what we personally accomplished for the kingdom. If He can trust us to finish His task now, He will reward us with greater responsibility in eternity.
“Lord, keep me from discouragement in serving You. Teach me to trust You to reward my every act of faithfulness, even when others do not see it.”