Luke 12: 31 “Instead, pursue~~ his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
One of the advantages of becoming a Christian is that you now have a purpose in life. Jesus called for a complete reorientation of life’s values, objectives, and purpose.
Everyone needs to put bread on the table, but Jesus demands that His followers “not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind” (Luke 12:29). He then states, “For all these things the nations of the world seek after” (12:30).
Jesus expects us to live with a different motivation and purpose. Neither survival nor comfort is to be our driving impulse.
Luke introduces this command with “instead” to emphasize the opposite focus from the previous verse for the believer. Jesus said, “The Father knows that you need these things” (12:30).
To begin with, can we trust Him? Can we rest securely in the awareness that He knows our needs?
If we trust in Him, we are free to focus on His temporal and eternal purposes. He commands us to “be continually or habitually pursuing His kingdom.” The kingdom needs never end.
This was an introduction to the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). Christ’s kingdom is extended by multiplying individual converts and leading them to surrender to the lordship of Christ on this earth.
How obedient are you today in this task? What is more important: your job, home, or business venture? What if His commitment to meet your needs were proportional to your commitment to Him?
God does not promise riches, but He does promise to meet the needs of His servants who are reaching and building disciples in His kingdom.
He must be King of your life as well as your Savior. His will must control your finances, work ethic, ambitions, relationships, thoughts, and daily plans. As Creator, He promises to take care of you if you are useful to His kingdom now.
“Dear Lord, as I execute my daily tasks, guide me to set my sights on Your eternal purposes. Help me contribute to and prepare for Your coming kingdom so that others may know You and learn to glorify You as well.”