1 Cor 1:26 “Think~~ about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position.”
The thirst for respect from a critical world has been a perpetual temptation. However, many come to know the Lord in childhood, or from backgrounds of poor and working classes, yet become great leaders, so that His power is evident and He receives the glory.
The gospel seems foolish to those who want to be acceptable through their own self–righteous efforts. It is offensive to pluralistic thinkers since the Bible says the gospel is the exclusive way to become acceptable to a holy God.
All societies have exalted power, influence, and wealth, especially in religion; however, biblical Christianity’s values are humble servanthood, self–sacrifice, and generosity. These opposite values seem absurd to the world. Jesus said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes” (Matt 11:25).
It is not that the wise of the world cannot believe but that their self–pride and their confidence in their own accomplishments and goodness keep them from the kingdom.
Paul never wants us to forget where we came from before we met Christ. Our salvation has nothing to do with our importance. He urges us, “Be thinking about the circumstances of your call.” When you responded to God’s call in salvation, He did not accept you because you were famous, wealthy, educated, influential, or powerful; He accepted you because you surrendered your life to the Savior.
Paul told the Corinthians that they should be glad that “not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position.” He was building a new set of values into the church.
Beware of thinking that important, powerful, and wealthy people are the key to the success of the church. According to Jesus, one of the greatest men who ever lived was John the Baptist (Matt 11:11).
He had no formal education, no trade or profession, no money, no social status, no prestige, and no important position. However, God used him to change a nation because he was fully obedient to God’s will. May his tribe increase.
“Holy God, the call to eternal life involves all of me in every way. Help me see where I am wasting time in activities that do not contribute to Your kingdom.”