1 Cor 3:18 “Guard~~ against self-deception, each of you. If someone among you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become*~ foolish so that he can become wise.”
Con artists and deceivers count on the fact that most people are naïve and undiscerning. False teachers have learned to wow their listeners with myths, miracles, and marvels that captivate their curiosity and turn followers from the biblical text to fables or intellectual philosophy. Such leaders are so impressed with their own powers of persuasion that they even believe their own lies!
When believers are not well versed in Scripture, they become easily deceived by stories, myths, and phenomena. These leaders so much want to convince people they have the newest insights for the twenty-first century that they stretch the truth to get people to believe their deception.
Striving for intellectual, philosophical, or academic wisdom through the modern educational system and earning master’s degrees and doctorates gain prestige and respect for those in positions of influence and power.
The first step to avoid being deceived is to recognize that all human wisdom is “foolishness with God” (1 Cor 3:19). Socrates taught that the recognition of your own ignorance is the starting point for the acquisition of knowledge or wisdom. Intellectual pride is the enemy of biblical truth. Once a teacher told me, “If I believe and practice what you are showing us from God’s word about people and truth, I must denounce almost everything I have learned during years working to gain my degrees.” The special fields of warning are the sciences, education, psychology, religion, and philosophy.
Biblical teachings of child rearing, origins, and nature of man, development of spiritual maturity and biblical character, morality, personal relationships, relationship to authority, and so on will all contradict the world’s wisdom. Where the Bible is not the supreme authority, a division is inevitable. It may seem “foolish” to focus on Bible learning more than on worldly wisdom, but it works! God’s word makes no mistakes. It brings unity, transformation, and fulfillment. Be a fool for Christ! Focus on His word today.
“Lord Jesus, guide my thinking and keep me grounded in Your word. I want the Bible to always be the supreme authority and direction for my life.”