1 Peter 4:19 So then let those who suffer according to the will of God entrust~~ their souls to a faithful Creator as they do good.
The West is moving from a post-Christian to an increasingly anti-Christian worldview. The early church proclaimed Jesus Christ as the King of kings instead of Caesar. This clash of powers and authority could not be tolerated, so they suffered the consequences.
Are we willing to pay the price for following Christ publically and boldly, to lose our jobs, be heavily fined, or spend time in jail for the sake of Christ?
As of 2011, it is estimated that approximately one hundred million Christians face persecution daily in the Muslim world, North Korea, China, and at the hands of Hindu extremism and Islamic terrorism in India. We will be targeted.
To “suffer according to the will of God” seems to be contradictory. Naturally, it is easier to trust God’s will when life is going well and things are prospering, but then no one can tell the difference between an unsaved, prosperous person and a prosperous Christian. This suffering is not a reference to a downturn in the economy or punishment for the violation of laws.
There will come a time when the government closes down Christian ministries and confiscates Christian homes and bank accounts or radical anti-Christian groups attack believers because they dare to follow Christ and His word.
God has a purpose to let sin and evil become so blatant and obvious that it shouts for justice. This is the reason for the seven short years God will let evil be unrestricted: to show how it merits the “winepress of the wrath of God” (Rev 14:19). It will be horrible, but God’s real purpose for believers will be seen in the millennium and throughout eternity.
Peter said, “continuously be entrusting [your] souls to a faithful Creator.” To “entrust,” or “commit,” means to “place alongside or near someone.” Jesus used this word on the cross when He committed His spirit to the Father (Luke 23:46).
We are now commanded to commit our souls to the Creator for safekeeping while continuing to “do good”—that is, to do “good deeds.” The Creator is in control and can be trusted in every circumstance. He makes no mistakes. Trust Him.
“Thank You, Lord, for showing me that this world is not all there is. I want to tell You that I cannot wait to see You face to face. All that I am is fully Yours. Do with it today as You wish.”