Former students from teaching in Argentina who are now leading ministries throughout Bolivia invited Don to speak in a Bible Conference. In four days Don spoke 30 times (one hour each) teaching on the principles of church life and global focus.
27 years ago Jose Cabral and his fiancee attended a Marriage Conference in Mendoza, Argentina, that I directed. A few months ago he called me and asked me to do the same conference for the married couples in his church. This summer we rented most of a hotel in South...
Summer of 2015 Don was invited to return to Tarapaca to meet with the leaders of the Ticunas, Yaguas, Witotos, and Bora tribes who live up river from Tarapaca on the Putumayo River in Southern jungle of Colombia for a week of teaching and training in Bible Study and...
The largest gathering of house church pastors in the history of Nepal occurred in Feb, 2014 for the purpose of honoring and training these courageous church planters in this historically hostile country to Evangelicals. Sixty years ago there were only a handful of...