90-day Devotional Challenge

The 90-day Devotional Challenge is a discipleship tool to help believers develop the spiritual discipline of daily Bible reading and application with an effective prayer model.  Disciples are believers that have established habits or disciplines for daily learning and following God’s Word in a living conversation with their Lord.  Repeating a process or action until it becomes second nature forms a habit.  If a person practices the 90-day habit of daily Bible reading, writing down an application from the reading, then follows a prayer guide by writing out one’s prayers in a journal style, a healthy lifestyle is molded for the believer.

Take the 90-day challenge and begin your journey of walking with the Lord as you learn to think His thoughts and converse with Him with your inner man.

 This tool is both for personal use and for discipleship/mentoring with a leader. Each week you hold each other accountable for completing the daily sheets, then discuss the things learned or how God is speaking to you through His Word and prayer.

This book contains the following:

  • 90 days of Bible Reading and Prayer Guide
  • 90 Bible Memory Verses
  • Prayer List Guide
  • Characteristics of God Discovered
  • Daily Bible Reading Guide to complete the Bible in one year

This is a tool for helping believers disciple other believers in fulfillment of the Great Commission (“Go and make disciples of all nations”). Other discipleship tools are available at www.branchespublications.com.

  • Pages: 105
  • ISBN: 2010000268209
  • Binding: Perfect

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