Walking His Way was written to facilitate the fulfillment of the Great Commission which tells us to teach our disciples “to obey all things that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:20). Few teachers or preachers know what these commands are and fewer believers know what they are expected to be obeying. In general, they have never been a major emphasis in Christian teaching, much less understanding what they mean.
This book is written in a Daily Devotional Bible Study so that anyone can systematically cover the commands of the NT, which Jesus gave to Paul and the other writers either directly or through revelation. In this format, they can be studied in Small Groups, discipleship or mentoring relationships, family or personal devotions, and a resource for Bible teaching. A complete index of Bible references used is included. Meditation is the contemplation of our biblical understanding to determine how to practice what we know to be God’s revealed will for our lives.
Each study will examine the context of the command, the grammatical and linguistic meaning of the words and verb tenses, then how the command is applied in other passages with suggestions for our personal lives.
Every believer needs to know these commands to have the “mind of Christ” (Phil 2:5), in order to walk in harmony with our Savior. Let’s use this text to learn to practice how He expects us to live with Him. (3/2012)