Theologies that have changed the course of Missions

The “Theologies that have changed the course of Missions” introduces the major theologies that mold the worldview of Christians and thus affect the motivation and approach to how to fulfill the Great Commission. The reason missions exist is because the biblical and theological mandates give the church its priorities. What we believe about reality and truth has direct affect on how seriously we are motivated for missions.  The theological issues introduced in this book focus on their impact on world missions.  They include:

  • OT Perspective of missions
  • NT Perspective of missions
  • Evangelical views on Hell and missions
  • Call of God and missions
  • Pentecostals-Charismatics and missions
  • Spiritual Warfare and missions
  • Calvinism and missions
  • Eschatology and missions

This book will explain why we practice missions the way we do. Different views on these sometimes controversial issues are presented and how they have molded our commitment to and practice in world missions.

  • Pages: 245
  • ISBN: 9780983329060
  • Binding: Perfect

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