Trends and Issues in Modern Missions


Global missions is in the midst of multiple paradigm shifts that affect everything done in the name of missions.  “Trends and Issues” presents the major shifts in the way the task of world evangelism is taking place in the 21st century.
Eleven issues that need to be understood to stay current include:

  • History of methods and trends in missions
  • Holism: serving the whole person
  • Tentmaking, platform ministries and NGOs
  • Partnerships and dependency
  • Short-Term Missions
  • Contextualization
  • Church Planting Movements
  • Church-Based Leadership Training
  • Chronological Bible Storying/Teaching
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Worship Music Movement

So many mistakes done by well-intended missionaries have hampered the impact of the gospel needlessly.   It is the hope of this book that new insights and better practices will allow the gospel to have an even greater influence in our changing world of the 21st century.

  • Pages: 291
  • ISBN: 2010000194195
  • Binding: Perfect

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